Jesus Christ Superstar

Western Canada Theatre & Thousand Islands Playhouse
Directed by: James Macdonald
April- October 2024

Photos: Barbara Zimonick + JPG Photography

Artistic + Production Team Information Available Upon Request.

“Stephanie Kong has done her homework in costume designs and made confident choices. […] Cox’s blue shirt symbolizes international peace, which is quite fitting. […] Solarte’s dark coloured costumes depict a brooding young man. The earth tone colours worn by the ensemble are also a good choice. The apostles are portrayed as working-class, ordinary men, and their costumes of subtle tears and gentle rips reflect that, another good choice.”

-Joe Szekeres,

“Stephanie Kong's playful costume design animates [the] sparse, music festival-like set. Dressed in shiny outer layers that evoke stained glass, the core trio of villains […] loom ominously above the action, turning the scaffolding into a foreboding echo of a church sanctuary. The apostles’ Bible-camp-esque get ups are subtly contrasted by Jesus’ […] baby blue tunic, giving him the appearance of a man out of time. Meanwhile Judas […] skulks and struts in black boots and a long leather jacket, wearing the sort of smouldering, tortured expression one might find sketched in the margins of a moody teenager’s history notes.”

-Haley Sarfeld,